Category: DIY
Do-it-Yourself RGB Sun Jar
In a rather ludicrous display of maker forgetfulness, I didn’t take enough pictures for this project. I’m pretty sure there’s a more involved step by step process somewhere on the internet. After all, there are plenty of ways to make these jars.
1960’s Magnavox Vacuum Tube Amplifier Restoration
I prefer to keep it short as I’m not fond of writing much these days. It’s partly why I’ve been out of touch for a while. Nevertheless, my projects continued, and I’ve restored an old 1960 Magnavox 88-02-00 Tube Amplifier.
iPod Nano 5th and 6th Generation Repair (Part 2)
All right, lets continue with the iPod repairs. (For part 1 go here)
SNES DC Jack Repair
Recently, I purchased an old Super Nintendo console system -SNES as commonly referred- to get some retro gaming action on. To my surprise, after hooking it up, I discovered that the power connector was broken, which prevented the power cable to supply the energy in a reliable way, sometimes the console wouldn’t even start.
3D Printed BMO on Arduino Day 2015
To honor the spirit of making, I decided to play around with a GEMMA on Arduino Day. This little Arduino powered micro-controller was developed by Adafruit Industries a cool NYC based company that sells electronic accessories, tools and equipment while teaching you how to use them in cool projects.
Transmission Cooler + ATF Flush (Part 2)
(this post is part of a series, for part 1 go here. ) Last time, we were working on getting the tranny cooler installed, we were able to choose a place where to put it, next step would be to actually connect it in series with the ATX (Automatic Transmission) and exchange the ATF (Automatic Transmission Fluid) with…
Transmission Cooler + ATF Flush (Part 1)
(this post is part of a series, for part 2 go here. ) Problem Automatic transmissions are extremely vulnerable to heat. The additional size and number of moving parts creates more heat, which requires additional fluid capacity, and cooling. The Mazda 6 ATX (Automatic Transmission) takes 8.77 qts or 8.3 liters.
iPad Mini Repair
Recently I was asked to repair an iPad mini with a cracked front assembly, most commonly known as digitizer. I ordered the part from iFixit which has a great selection of replacement parts for everything Apple, and more recently items from other brands like Samsung. They include parts for Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo consoles as well.
In-Car Tablet Install (Part 1)
Today, the newest cars in the market ship with their own touch screen where you can visualize radio, navigation, etc. At the time, my car didn’t come with any of that. So, I set out in a quest of adding a screen to it, but not just any screen, I wanted a tablet, and the…