3D Printed BMO on Arduino Day 2015



To honor the spirit of making, I decided to play around with a GEMMA on Arduino Day. This little Arduino powered micro-controller was developed by Adafruit Industries a cool NYC based company that sells electronic accessories, tools and equipment while teaching you how to use them in cool projects.

In their website, they have a dedicated place for people to follow guides and learn while providing all the necessary materials to complete them. Today I decided to make BMO.

Their guide is very detailed and straight forward. Hence I’m just going to link it if you want to follow it.

3D Printed LED-Animation BMO

Instead, I’m going to introduce you my experience of using the makexyz.com service. As you probably guessed from the title, in order to make BMO you would have to have access to a 3D printer.

In my case, I haven’t spent the money on a cool 3D printer (I want one!), but by using this service you can take advantage of the fact other people had. The service puts you in contact with people around your area that might be able to print the parts for you. These people will send you an invoice with the total cost of your printed item, after you pay they will print the parts for you, as easy as that.

I contacted Peoples Exchange LLC, and let me tell you, they did a superb job. They were really professional and even took care of getting the right color for me (which you can probably use now). After payment, and waiting on them to receive the new spool of plastic BMO’s body was shipped to me in less than a 4 days. (could be faster for you since they have the color already).

After that, I ordered the materials from Adafruit and started the process of building it. Here is the result:



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